And we are back to live in-person events…the biggest UK’s Hypnosis Conference is just a few weeks away…
Truly inspiring event that has a unique combination in its panel of speakers, of both Prestigious Academic Investigators, and also world-class hypnotists and hypnotherapists.
Master Hypnotist Mário Lima, Founder of Evolution Hypnosis, will perform a lecture entitled “Create your own hypnotic repertoire”
The idea behind this lecture is to emphasize that, if you use your words, and thought
processes, you will look much more genuine and persuasive when
performing hypnosis…
Because when you simply copy and speak out other people’s hypnotic language
techniques or scripts, which do not reflect you as a person, you may
begin to feel like a mere “talking parrot”…
However, if you learn to transform your own inner world, language and
personal metaphors into elegant hypnotic loops and smooth language
maneuvers…you will always feel authentic when performing hypnosis…and by doing this you will SKYROCKET YOUR RESULTS…
Looking forward to this one! It’s going to be awesome…